Business Partner B2 Teacher’s Resource Book

Carte scrisa de: Irene Barrall
Cartea Business Partner B2 Teacher’s Resource Book PDF este scrisa de autorul Irene Barrall, sub editura PEARSON. Cartea a fost publicata in 2018, avand dimensiuni 295 x 220 x 13 mm cartea are un numar de 216 de pagini si poate fi cumparata online la super pret din cele mai populare librarii online. Editia cartii Necartonata, iar traducatorul este . Daca iti place sa citesti Business Partner B2 Teacher’s Resource Book pe MsBook, suntem convinsi ca o sa-ti placa si alte carti scrise de autorul Irene Barrall. Din pacate nu putem confirma ca Business Partner B2 Teacher’s Resource Book PDF este disponibila in format electronic. Aceasta poate fi disponibil doar in format tiparit.

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Business Partner B2 Teacher’s Resource Book Rezumat

Business Partner B2 Teacher’s Resource Book and MyEnglishLab Pack
The Teacher’s Resource Book includes:
• Teaching lesson notes including warm-ups, alternative suggestions, background and culture notes
• Business brief for every unit with information on the unit topic and explanations of key terminology
• Photocopiable activities – two per unit with teaching notes
• Reading bank – an extended reading text for every unit with comprehension activities
• Writing bank – models of different types of business writing with useful phrases
• Functional language bank – useful phrases for different business situations, e.g. meetings, interviews
• Video and audio scripts
• Answer keys
Teacher access to MyEnglishLab includes:
• Interactive Workbook including learning management system to assign homework and see common errors
• Student digital resources
• Teacher’s Book resources
• Answer keys
• Photocopiable activities and teaching notes
• Reading bank
• Writing bank
• Functional language bank
• Tests
• Unit tests (pdfs and Word), including exam task types (BEC, BULATS, LCCI)
• Interactive unit tests including PTE Professional, with automatic gradebook
• Tests audio recordings and scripts
• Tests answer keys

Codul cartii: PON978-1-292-23720-6

Autor(i): Irene Barrall
Cod: PON978-1-292-23720-6
Editura: PEARSON
Anul aparitiei: 2018
Categorie: Limbi Straine
Subcategorie: Engleza
Numar pagini: 216
Editie: Necartonata
Cumpara online si alte carti din categoria Limbi Straine si Engleza, sau carti scrise de autorul Irene Barrall.

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