Captain Underpants: Two Super-Heroic Novels in One

Carte scrisa de: Dav Pilkey
Vezi si cumpara cartea Captain Underpants: Two Super-Heroic Novels in One scrisa de autorul Dav Pilkey sub editura Scholastic. Cartea a fost publicata in aprilie 2021 in limba Romana, are 352 pagini si poate fi cumparata la super pret din cele mai populare librarii online. Daca iti place sa citesti Captain Underpants: Two Super-Heroic Novels in One, poti oricand vedea si alte carti de Dav Pilkey. Retine ca MsBook nu garanteaza cartea Captain Underpants: Two Super-Heroic Novels in One PDF. Aceasta poate fi disponibila doar in format tiparit, lucru pe care trebuie sa-l verifici pe libraria online.

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Captain Underpants: Two Super-Heroic Novels in One Rezumat

Two Captain Underpants adventures now in full colour! Just when you thought it was over, George and Harold are up to their old tricks again… Our heroes defeated the Bionic Booger Boy but they totally forgot about those rascally Robo-Boogers, plus George and Harold’s time travelling Purple Potty lands them in a strange, parallel universe. Watch out for the evil twin lookalikes! Can they handle this mess on their own, or will the Captain need to swoop in and save the day? This book contains: Captain Underpants 7: Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy, Part 2: The Revenge of the Ridiculous Robo-Boogers Captain Underpants 8: Captain Underpants and the Preposterous Plight of the Purple Potty People About the series: Captain Underpants is now a feature-length animated film from DreamWorks and a series on Netflix The original Captain Underpants books are fully illustrated with black and white comic book drawings The books are now also available in full-colour graphic novels Perfect for all children, but especially those who are struggling to engage with reading Full of fun and laughs (and toilet humour)!

Autor(i): Dav Pilkey
Anul aparitiei: aprilie 2021
Editura: Scholastic
Cod produs: 9780702307010
Categorie: Carti in limbi straine
Nr. pagini: 352
Tip coperta: Paperback brosat
ISBN: ISBN: 9780702307010
Limba: Romana
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