Dragon World. Meet The Fire Breathing Beasts of Mythology

Carte scrisa de: Tamara Macfarlane, Alessandra Fusi
Vezi si cumpara cartea Dragon World. Meet The Fire Breathing Beasts of Mythology scrisa de autorul Tamara Macfarlane, Alessandra Fusi sub editura DK Children. Cartea a fost publicata in martie 2021 in limba Engleza, are 80 pagini si poate fi cumparata la super pret din cele mai populare librarii online. Daca iti place sa citesti Dragon World. Meet The Fire Breathing Beasts of Mythology, poti oricand vedea si alte carti de Tamara Macfarlane, Alessandra Fusi. Retine ca MsBook nu garanteaza cartea Dragon World. Meet The Fire Breathing Beasts of Mythology PDF. Aceasta poate fi disponibila doar in format tiparit, lucru pe care trebuie sa-l verifici pe libraria online.

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Dragon World. Meet The Fire Breathing Beasts of Mythology Rezumat

Meet the fire-breathing beasts of mythology in this beautifully illustrated book brimming with scaled behemoths.Journey into the deepest depths of the oceans and the highest tips of the tallest mountains to discover the fascinating history of dragons! This illustrated picture book blends fiction and fantasy, separates fact from myth, and is the perfect introduction to the breathtaking world of dragons! Ideal for kids aged 7-9 years.Inside the pages of this captivating fantasy book for children, you’ll discover fascinating dragon facts and more!- Includes 23 profiles of famous dragons
– Discover maps of where dragons originated from across the continents
– Explanations of the historical and cultural significance of dragons around the world
– Informative spreads on the folklore surrounding dragons uncover secrets about dragon eggs, treasure, and historySoar across continents and discover the most incredible dragon myths and legends. Prowl through the pages to discover rare dragon species. Find clues on how to track them and master how to draw them. This awe-inspiring, magical book will breathe fire into the minds of little dragon-lovers everywhere!Exciting, informative text and beautiful hand-painted illustrations bring these fire-breathing beasts of mythology to life in the most spectacular way! Up-to-date retellings of classic dragon stories from Asia, Europe, Africa and North America will boost your child’s imagination and keep them engaged.It’s the ultimate gift for kids who are fascinated by mythical creatures and fans of Harry Potter and How to Train your Dragon.

Autor(i): Tamara Macfarlane, Alessandra Fusi
Anul aparitiei: martie 2021
Editura: DK Children
Cod produs: 9780241467510
Categorie: Carti in limbi straine
Subcategorie: Fiction
Nr. pagini: 80
Tip coperta: Board book
ISBN: ISBN: 9780241467510
Limba: Engleza
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