I’m Ready for Phonics: Say the Sounds : Say the Sounds

Carte scrisa de: ***
Vezi si cumpara cartea I’m Ready for Phonics: Say the Sounds : Say the Sounds scrisa de autorul *** sub editura Ladybird Book. Cartea a fost publicata in februarie 2016 in limba Romana, are 48 pagini si poate fi cumparata la super pret din cele mai populare librarii online. Daca iti place sa citesti I’m Ready for Phonics: Say the Sounds : Say the Sounds, poti oricand vedea si alte carti de ***. Retine ca MsBook nu garanteaza cartea I’m Ready for Phonics: Say the Sounds : Say the Sounds PDF. Aceasta poate fi disponibila doar in format tiparit, lucru pe care trebuie sa-l verifici pe libraria online.

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I’m Ready for Phonics: Say the Sounds : Say the Sounds Rezumat

This big book from Ladybird is the ideal book to introduce phonics to your child. The book contains all 26 letters of the alphabet, focusing on the inital letter sound and shows words that begin with each letter.

Autor(i): ***
Anul aparitiei: februarie 2016
Editura: Ladybird Book
Cod produs: 978-024-121-598-2
Categorie: Carti in limbi straine
Nr. pagini: 48
Tip coperta: Paperback brosat
ISBN: ISBN: 978-024-121-598-2
Limba: Romana
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