The No-Cook Cookbook

Carte scrisa de: Rebecca Woollard
Vezi si cumpara cartea The No-Cook Cookbook scrisa de autorul Rebecca Woollard sub editura DK Children. Cartea a fost publicata in martie 2021 in limba Romana, are 128 pagini si poate fi cumparata la super pret din cele mai populare librarii online. Daca iti place sa citesti The No-Cook Cookbook, poti oricand vedea si alte carti de Rebecca Woollard. Retine ca MsBook nu garanteaza cartea The No-Cook Cookbook PDF. Aceasta poate fi disponibila doar in format tiparit, lucru pe care trebuie sa-l verifici pe libraria online.

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The No-Cook Cookbook Rezumat

More 50 than recipes for young food lovers. Teach children how to create tasty meals without heat.This cookbook will show children how to cook all by themselves and gain their independence in the kitchen – a valuable skill that will last a lifetime!This fun recipe book for kids shows children how to make different dishes. Each recipe is designed so that it’s easy to make and requires no cooking. This photographic cookbook contains more than 50 meal ideas for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks that will make young cooks excited to spend time in the kitchen.The No-Cook Cook Book was created especially for budding young chefs. This recipe book will teach kids the basics of cooking safely. The easy-to-follow instructions will teach kids practical kitchen safety tips and how to use kitchen utensils such as a grater, sharp knife, and peeler safely.This kid’s no-heat cookbook will teach your children to be comfortable in the kitchen and how to make mouth-watering meals. It includes:- Over 50 recipes with photographs for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks
– Clear instructions on how to create meals and use common kitchen tools
– Nutritional information and how to start your own herb or vegetable garden
Make And Enjoy Food Without Using HeatKids will also find out how to grow their own herbs and vegetables at home, and then use these to prepare delicious meals. The book guides them through recipes that are nutritious, colourful, and delicious. Find recipes packed with fresh ingredients for soups, salads, rice bowls, desserts, and so much more!

Autor(i): Rebecca Woollard
Anul aparitiei: martie 2021
Editura: DK Children
Cod produs: 9780241459539
Categorie: Carti in limbi straine
Subcategorie: Fiction
Nr. pagini: 128
Tip coperta: Paperback brosat
ISBN: ISBN: 9780241459539
Limba: Romana
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